Surly Brewing挥别酿造总监Todd Haug




有人看过暴脾气酒厂 (Surly Brewing Co.) 与阿迈厄酒厂 (AmagerBryghus) 酒厂合作,这款名为「斧人陶德」(TODD THE AXE MAN) 的酒吗? 你曾好奇过谁是陶德、为何会以他命名吗?

阿迈厄的营销总监在认识暴脾气的酿造主管陶德・豪格 (Todd Haug) ,说出:「任何人都该见识陶德如何玩弄他的斧头(吉他)。」这段话后,双方便决定以斧人陶德作为酒款名称。




痴迷于家酿啤酒的奥马・安萨里 (Omar Ansari) 在家人的支持下,找来当地的酿酒师陶德・豪格 (Todd Haug),开始规划属于自己的酒厂。








暴脾气酒厂 (Surly Brewing Co.) 的酿造部门主席陶德・豪格 (Todd Haug),在经历十多年的付出后,将要离开这间位在双城的酒厂。 「我想感谢暴脾气国度里的所有家人、朋友与粉丝,愿意不断地支持我们的信念。奥马和我最初只是单纯地想建立一个能自由酿造不同风格啤酒的酒厂,酿造我们打从心底喜欢的啤酒,而我认为这个目标已经实现。」 陶德拒绝受市场考量的束缚,坚持要酿造属于自己风格的啤酒,因此树立全新的风格与典范。在这条不容易的道路上,陶德为酒厂赢得许多比赛,也为自己赢得了众人的尊敬。 暴脾气酒厂的创办人与主席奥马・安萨里如此描述陶德:「陶德的做事风格深深地影响整个暴脾气酒厂的文化,他从最初便与我们一起从无到有地建立这个酒厂,靠着他的双手进行每次的酿造、焊接工作,他也连结了我们所有人,并促使我们团结合作,这是我们酒厂今日能受人瞩目的原因。我们将永远想念他。」 在陶德离开既有职位后,在这个他已服务超过25年的产业中,仍有无数的机会正在等着他,而他也将迎接全新的冒险。 


 与陶德坐在大厅听着音乐不停播放、音浪变强、节奏加速,就像是趟地狱骑乘之行。他是位巫师、苦味的酿酒师、创造的天才。 暴脾气国度感谢你 

(Original Text)

After more than 10 years setting the pace of the craft beer revolution in Minnesota, Surly Brewing Co., Head of Brewing Operations Todd Haug has resigned his position at the Twin Cities Brewery. “I’d like to thank our family, friends and fans – Surly Nation – for always believing in our vision. It never gets old to hear people tell you how much they enjoy your beer. Omar and I set out with the modest goal to build a brewery so we could create a different kind of craft beer – the kind we wanted to drink – and I think we achieved that.” 

Todd earned a reputation for refusing to brew-to-style. He defined the undefinable and brewed beer his way, which was rarely the easy way, earning the brewery gold medals in the process.

 Omar Ansari, Founder and President of Surly Brewing says, “Todd has been an incredibly influential part of Surly since the beginning and was instrumental in building the brewery from the ground-up, often with his own two hands; brewing, welding, making connections and forming collaborations to establish the irreverent brand it is today. His talent is undeniable, and he will always be a huge part of who we are. He will be missed.” Todd is stepping down from his role to pursue other opportunities and challenges in the industry that he has worked in for 25 years. The future is bright, and adventure awaits. “I leave my brewhouses in the extremely capable hands of our co-lead brewers and the innovative brewing team we’ve mentored together. I eagerly look forward to seeing what the next generation of Surly brewers will create,” says Haug. “This is an opportunity for them to take the torch and continue the legacy we’ve been building for 10 years now.” It’s been a hell of a ride with Todd in the front seat, keeping the music loud and the speed fast. He’s the wizard, the bitter brewer and the creative genius. Surly Nation thanks you.