面纱啤酒厂 (The Veil Brewing) 近日公布了旗下多款酒的召回计划,原因是“装罐时溶解氧含量超标”,这将引起啤酒在短时间内风味受影响或氧化,在发现了这一问题后,酒厂决定对以下酒款进行召回:
面纱 决断粉碎机 新英格兰IPA(易拉罐);
面纱 继续建造 新英格兰帝国IPA(易拉罐);
面纱 BJCP更新 新英格兰帝国IPA(易拉罐);
具体罐装日期为 4 月 8 日 - 12日。
Today we became aware of an issue with this week’s can releases. We have detected dissolved oxygen levels in some cans above the range we think is acceptable. This will cause the quality of the canned beer to degrade over a shorter period of time than would be typical. As a result of this discovery we are pulling the remaining allotments of BJCP Update, Keepz Building and Crucial Shredder.
**The remaining cans of Feel Feelings and dieyoung have all tested within acceptable limits and were not affected by this issue. All draft of these beers are perfectly acceptable also. This was a can only issue.**
If you purchased cans of the affected brands yesterday we encourage you to keep them cold and consume them within the week. If you would like a refund for your cans please contact us at info@theveilbrewing.com. If you purchased cans from previous recent releases and think they might also be affected please contact us so we can work to make things right. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding during this frustrating experience.
** Proof of purchase/receipt must be available to issue refund. If you paid with a card and do not have a receipt, we can look up your order through our POS if full name on card is provided.**
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